FurMark, a program designed for stress-testing graphics cards, is often regarded as a powerful tool. However, concerns have been raised regarding its safety and potential risks.

Some argue that FurMark's intense benchmarking tests can push graphics cards to their limits, leading to excessive heat generation and increased power consumption. This might potentially compromise the stability and longevity of the hardware.

Additionally, running FurMark for extended periods may not accurately reflect the typical workload that a graphics card encounters during normal usage. This intense stress-testing could potentially mask or fail to detect certain hardware instabilities that would be more likely to occur under regular operating conditions.

It's worth noting that manufacturers often discourage the use of FurMark, as it can void warranties due to the potential risks involved. They argue that the program puts unnecessary strain on the graphics card without providing significant benefits or practical insights.

Ultimately, the decision to use FurMark depends on the user's risk tolerance and the specific context. While it can be a useful tool for assessing the stability and performance limits of a graphics card, caution is advised to avoid potential hardware damage or voided warranties.

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От чего УМИРАЮТ Видеокарты ?! На примере GTX 1080!


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